Welcome to Thermal-Hydraulics Laboratory
The laboratory performs experiments and computational simulations focusing on single- and multi-phase flow and heat transfer in advanced energy systems and space exploration missions.
A postdoctoral Research Associate or a Research Scientist opening are now available at THL. A PhD degree in nuclear engineering and mechanical engineering or other related fields is required by the start date. The candidate is expected to have knowledge of LWR system analysis codes (e.g. RELAP5, TRACE), and experience in multiphase flow experiments and modeling. Please send Dr. Shi email if you are interested.
Our lab is seeking multiple highly motivated graduate students with a background in nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, and chemical engineering or other related fields. If you have interests, please contact Prof. Shi (shis3@rpi.edu) for additional information.
Highly motivated undergraduate students are welcome to participate in our research. Undergraduate students are encouraged to publish their research results.