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Shanbin Shi
THL Director, Director of NuScale E2 Center at RPI
Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Research Focus
Multiphase Flow Experiments and Modeling, Phase Change Heat Transfer, Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Nuclear-based Integrated Energy System, Thermal and Fluids Engineering, Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Transfer 
Dr. Shanbin Shi joined the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) as an Assistant Professor in 2018. He received his Ph.D. degree in Nuclear Engineering at Purdue University.​


Muiz Adekunle Agbaje
Graduate Research Assistant
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering (Energy), Yildiz Technical University, 2021
B.Eng Mechanical Engineering, University of Ilorin, 2015

I have 3 years of working experience in the oil and energy industry as a piping/mechanical design engineer. My research interests include the design and analysis of heat transfer methods in high-temperature energy conversion and storage systems. Also interested in exploring the design and development of novel technologies related to thermal systems for safe and efficient energy conversion.



Peter Iascone
Graduate Research Assistant
B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

My research focuses on conducting multiphase flow experiments and simulations to understand and optimize fluid dynamcis and heat transfer across various industries. I am currently working on development of a comprehensive annular two phase flow database including entrained droplets with the Annular Flow Test Facility at RPI. I am also working on the modeling and simulation of cryogenic propellant storage and transfer in space.


Caleb Malinowski
Graduate Research Assistant
B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

My research is centralized around multiphase flow experimental investigations, with an emphasis on the modeling of high temperature solid particle dynamics. I am currently developing an experimental test facility at the RPI THL for modeling fuel dispersal under postulated LOCA conditions for LWRs. I am also interested in exploring the underlying physics related to boiling heat transfer on spherical and irregularly shaped particles as they interact with surrogate reactor coolant.

Matt Buckley Picture.png

Matt Buckley
Master's Student
B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 


Jonathan Craun
Master's Student
B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 


Richard Tardio
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 


Sungbeen Park
Exchange Student Intern
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)


Ilyas Yilgor, Ph.D.
Fall 2024


Eymon Lan, Ph.D.
Summer 2024



Avinash Moharana, Ph.D. 
Summer 2024



Jordan Crist, M.Eng.
Spring 2023

Eric Lowden, M.Eng.
Spring 2023

Drew Voli, URP

Tierney Dugan, URP

Harrison Bass, URP

Junwoo Park
Exchange Student Intern
Seoul National University, South Korea

Minjee Cho
Exchange Student Intern
Chung-Ang University, South Korea

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